Chairman‘s thank you letter to Authors, speakers and session chairmen

June 2018
Dear Friends,
We have received many comments regarding the continuing high quality of Elevcon Berlin 2018, noting that IAEE’s contribution to the industry, through the ELEVCON events, is by far the most significant gathering in the professional calendar.
Elevcon Berlin 2018 was probably one of the best I have attended in terms of content of papers, presentations and venue.
I am fully aware of all the effort which must be invested when preparing and presenting a paper or chairing a session, so it is particularly gratifying to know that it is appreciated by our colleagues.
Once again, please accept my thanks for your participation and contribution, and I am looking forward to seeing you all in our next Elevcon.
With warmest regards,
Yours sincerely,
Ami Lustig
IAEE President and Chairman of Elevcon 2018